Our Core Values


The need to possess skill, well-mannered behavior and good judgement during conduct of hearings and at the place of work. We uphold the highest standards of quality and performance in our services and products. We maintain a positive and constructive attitude and deamenor in our interactions with our clients, colleagues and partners. We abide by the rules, regulations and policies of our organization and profession.


By being creative in applying the practical implementation of new ideas. We embrace creativity, learning and improvement in our work. We seek to find new and better ways of doing things that add value and enhance efficiency. We encourage experimentation, risk-taking and feedback. We foster a culture of curiosity, openness and collaboration that supports innovation.


Having a steadfast moral principles and being able to uphold these principles in an honest manner as well as applying them in our line of work. We act with honesty, transparency, and accountability in our work. We are consistent and reliable in our words and actions. We honor our commitments and obligations.


By being creative in applying the practical implementation of new ideas. We embrace creativity, learning and improvement in our work. We seek to find new and better ways of doing things that add value and enhance efficiency. We encourage experimentation, risk-taking and feedback. We foster a culture of curiosity, openness and collaboration that supports innovation.


The ability to maintain and progress the continuity of policies and projects in line with the Organizations mandated functions. We are committed to creating positive and lasting impacts in our work. We consider the social, economic and environmental implications of our decisions and actions. We strive to use our resources wisely and responsibly.


Strive to achieve fairness and justice for all through quasi-judicial land administration. We uphold the principles of justice, fairness and equality in our work. We treat all people with dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize and value the diversity of backgrounds, identities and perspectives of our clients, colleagues and partners.


Having the decency to do an honest day’s work for an honest pay, being sincere in our discharge of duties. We communicate truthfully, clearly and respectfully in our work. We express our opinions, ideas and feedback honestly and constructively. We acknowledge our mistakes, limitations and challenges.


Having perseverance, work ethic, commitment, the drive and passion, sense of urgency and being resourceful. We work hard, smart and efficiently in our work. We set clear goals and priorities for ourselves and our teams. We plan, organize and execute our tasks effectively and timely. We monitor, evaluate and report our progress and performance regularly and accurately