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The Land Commission of Papua New Guinea is established under Section 5(1) of the Land Commission Act 2022. It is a merger of both the Land Titles Commission (LTC) and National Land Commission (NLC) as recommended under the White Paper on the Law and Justice Sector in PNG, 2007.

Both the LTC and NLC were established under the Lands Titles Commission Act 1965 and the National Land Registration Act 1979 respectively and these two Acts have been repealed by the Land Commission Act 2022. The Land Commission Act 2022 is now in operation, effective since 2nd September 2022.

The Land Commission falls under the portfolio responsibility of the Minister for Justice and was previously a part of the Department of Justice and Attorney General. A full implementation of the Land Commission Act 2022 has resulted in the separation of this Office as a stand-alone independent Quasi-Judicial Entity.